
Back in the early ages, fear was something that helped humans to survive until the next day. If there wasn’t fear, our ancestors would’ve been eaten by a tiger or any other dangerous predator that lived around them in given time. Therefore, fear was our friend. How about now? Is fear still something that we need on daily basis? Is fear still our friend? Is fear still saving our lives or is it making them

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Attention Economy and Social Media

Attention is the most valuable resource that one can possess in a modern world.  Everybody is competing for it. Someone who shouldn’t be getting a lot of your attention Social Networks are like tiny slot machines which are placed in your pocket and every time you check them and see a notification you get a dopamine dosage. The more dopamine you get the more often you want to check your score. It’s not an accident.

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How to Outline a Novel – Part 1 – The Ideal Reader

First of all, welcome to the first in a series of articles on how to outline a novel. Many writers despise outlining, but it doesn’t always have to be something bad and tedious; it might as well be a creative and enjoyable process. Disclaimer Some writers don’t use any form of outlining. They just sit down and write. There is a popular term for those writers; they are called pantsers because they write by the

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3 Quick Cutting Tips in Writing

  Hemingway was the self-proclaimed champion of cutting, but many people will agree that it‘s not far from the truth. If you have read A Movable Feast or On Writing or Perhaps the Selected Letters, you might have found a lot of useful pieces of advice. For me, The most useful advice is on removing staff from your manuscript. However, he wasn‘t the only one cutting a lot. Many writers have a difficult time cutting

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